Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Starlit Knight - Jason

"The seaqual to Bright Light about the next generation of super heroes. Jason missed out on having cool super power light his siblings." -Casey

Jason cried out in protest as a burst of light blinded him. He turned to find that his sister was holding her old heavy camera over a pot of flowers, mentally creating her own lighting with her powers.
“Can’t you just use the flash on the camera?” he grumbled in annoyance.
“I’m trying for unique source lighting,” the girl replied. “Flashing light from behind creates rich silhouettes.”
“I’m trying to do my homework!” the boy complained.
“Go and do it in your room,” Holly said absentmindedly as she set of another spark of light.
“Can’t,” he sighed. “Tom and Chris are messing with the black light.”
Holly finally looked up from her camera with a skeptical frown. “You don’t have a black light in your room,” she argued.
“We do now,” Jason sighed as he closed his school book and went to work out on the front porch. He never really wanted super powers of his own, but he did wonder why he hadn’t received any like his older and younger siblings. What use were “light powers” anyway? They only seemed good for interrupting one’s algebra homework.

Story and Characters (C) SuperheroGeek13

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