Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Sci-Fi - Jack

"I've been really busy writing this month, but most of it has been for my story Athol, which means I won't be posting it here on the blog anytime soon.
So in the meantime, I do have a few writing prompts from Pinterest to share! This is from my still unnamed Sci-Fi story." -Casey

The nurse crept through the dark empty hallway, ducking beneath the windows that peeked into each of the hospital rooms. It didn’t do much good, the patients could still sense her walking by and they shouted and screamed at her presence. They were all so violent, trashing and swearing in their cells. She hated working this section of the hospital, but she was off the clock now and she was going to get answers about the patient at the end of the hall. She could feel his presence on the other side of the door and she was sure he could feel hers, but he didn’t shout. He never shouted. He was the only psycho in the ward that didn’t act like one. Yet he always received the harshest of treatments, the nurse knew this because she had signed off the equipment on the sign out sheets.
She unlocked the door and stepped inside the small bare room. The only piece of furniture in the room was the bed and the patient was strapped down to it at the waist, ankles, and wrists. His eyes were closed, but he took in a long breath as he heard the nurse approach. She stopped a few feet short, suddenly afraid of what the young man might do.
“So, are you now stalling for anticipation’s sake?” the young man asked, still keeping his eyes closed.
“Stalling?” the nurse asked, surprised by how normal the boy sounded. The patient turned to look at her at last with no trace of anything but contempt in his gaze. As hostile as the young man’s gaze was, she still recognized his kind pale green eyes. He’d been in the news so much lately, his smiling face plastered over every news scanner. He was much thinner now and his long hair had been cut short, but she knew with absolute certainty that this was Jk’son Tr’lock.

Story and Characters (C) SuperheroGeek13

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