Monday, March 10, 2014

Teen Titans - Duplicity

"So, I've been reworking and rewriting and rethinking this poor Teen Titans story for a long while now and I still can't get it good enough to post in its entirety. I do know for sure that I like this scene, which is why I've decided to go ahead and share it.
I will get this done! My poor Teen Titans stories have been so neglected for oh so long! Not to mention my poor OCs Kenji and Duplicate!" -Casey

[We open to the streets of Jump city which are teeming with pedestrians out for a stroll in the afternoon sun. Pan down to street level to focus in on a storm drain.]
[Black ooze tinted with blue slides up and out of the drain. It then runs along the street like water until it comes to the edge of the Titan’s favorite Pizza place.]
[The ooze jumps out of the street and melts slowly underneath one of the columns that hold up the balcony.]
[Pan the camera back up from the ground as a rather Goth looking young man walks down the sidewalk, a burst of confetti and streamers shoot over him with a loud fanfare.]
[He looks up with distain at the balcony of the Pizza Restaurant above him, where he can clearly hear a group of teenagers shouting jubilantly.]

Cyborg off camera: Let’s hear it for the birthday boy!
Starfire off camera: Oh yes! A most joyful birthday to you, my friend!

[Panning up to the balcony, we find the Teen Titans and Duplicate all sitting around a table that is surrounded by wrapped presents. Beast Boy is wearing a party hat and directly in front of him on the table is a rather large chocolate cake with 14 candles on top of it.]

Beast Boy: I’ve got the perfect wish in mind!

[Beast Boy stands up from his chair and takes a step back with a look of determination on his face. He puts his hands up in front of him to frame the cake in his sights. He then takes a deep breath and blows out every one of the candles.]
[He smiles triumphantly and takes a low bow as his friends clap politely. He then sits back down and proceeds to cut the cake into six large slices.]

Beast Boy: So, now that I’m a year older, I suppose I should start thinking up a new name.

[Beast Boy slides plates of cake to Cyborg and Raven across the table.]

Duplicate: What is it with you and names?

[Beast Boy hands a slice to Starfire and Robin who are on either side of him.]

Beast Boy: Beast “Boy” just seems keyed a little young for a mature teen like myself.

[Beast Boy slides a slice of cake over to Duplicate who sits between Robin and Cyborg.]

Duplicate: You’re still the youngest member of the team, aren’t you?

[Beast Boy yanks the slice of cake back just as Duplicate reaches out for it. The green teen narrows his eyes at the other boy.]

Beast Boy: Says who? For all we know, you could be younger than me!

[Duplicate turns to look at Robin and then puts his hand up to comparatively measure his height against Robin’s.]
[Robin notices this and stares at Duplicate’s hand quizzically, before the boy lowers it with a shrug.]

Duplicate: Robin and I are about the same height. I guess that makes us the same age.
Beast Boy: That doesn’t prove anything. For all we know, you may not even be old enough to be a Teen Titan.
Raven: Just give the kid his cake.

[Beast Boy turns to look at Raven and Duplicate grabs his slice of cake while he’s distracted.]
[Beast Boy frowns disappointedly and then slumps back in his seat to eat his own slice of cake.]
[Starfire turns to Duplicate with a concerned expression.]

Starfire: Do not be troubled, friend Duplicate. I am quite sure that you are indeed of adolescence.

[Duplicate turns to Starfire, wiping the chocolate frosting from his lips on his hand.]

Duplicate: Uh, thanks, Starfire. Back at ya?
Starfire: I simply do not wish you to feel sorrow due to your lost memory.
Duplicate: Hey, don’t worry about it. Robin’s working every possible lead to help me get it back, right?

[Robin nods with a confident smile.]

Duplicate: See? The amnesia thing isn’t a problem.

[Cyborg stands up and grabs one of the many surrounding presents.]

Cyborg: Alright then! Whadda ya say we open presents now?!

[Duplicate’s smile droops, he blinks rapidly, and a sweat drop slides down the side of his face.]
[Raven glances over at him with a raised eyebrow.]

Raven: You forgot yours at the tower, didn’t you?

[Duplicate shrugs nervously.]

Duplicate: Heh, heh…oops?

[Beast Boy slaps both his hands down on the table and then points to Duplicate reproachfully, startling everyone.]

Beast Boy: And even if I am the youngest member of the team, I’m still the one the one that took down the entire Brotherhood of Evil almost single handedly!

[As Beast Boy stands pointing at Duplicate, Raven crosses her arms and Robin shakes his head disappointedly. Duplicate smiles and turns to Raven with a nod towards Beast Boy.]

Duplicate: L'esprit de l'escalier, eh?

[Beast Boy lowers his hand and frowns in confusion and the other Titans all turn to Duplicate in surprise.]
[Duplicate looks back and forth between his friends, puzzled.]

Duplicate: What? Is there frosting on my face?
Raven: Did you just say something in French?
Duplicate: Huh?
Robin: Parlez-vous français ?
Duplicate: Je parle français? *Gasp* Je parle français!

[The entire restaurant rumbles and the presents around them are knocked to the ground. Robin jolts to his feet just in time for the ground to crack underneath him. The floor gives way beneath him and he jumps aside, but Duplicate (who was sitting right next to him) falls through the crack with a yelp.]

Robin: Duplicate!

[Cue Teen Titans Theme song]

Teen Titans (C) DC Comics and Warner Brothers
Duplicate (C) SuperheroGeek13

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