Friday, February 28, 2014

Time Turner - The Stars That Never Were (Part 1)

"So, this is kinda one of the reasons I made this blog; to post this story. It's in script format, so it can't be posted on and it's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, so I'd rather not incur the wrath of some of the less forgiving DA Bronies (no offense meant to the rest of you awesome DA Bronies). It doesn't follow any of the normal tends about Doctor Whooves and I did my best to keep it in the continuity of MLP:FIM while still adding Doctor Who elements. Enjoy!" -Casey

Time Turner
The Stars That Never Were (Part 1)
“The Princess has always employed covert agents to watch over the flow of time, but her newest agent might not be cut out for the job.”

[Open to a wide shot of Cantorlot and slowly zoom in on the town with the following voiceover.]

Celestia: A pony’s Cutie Mark represents the special talent they posses.

[Cut to a busy street in Cantorlot where two well dressed ponies can be seen talking to each other. They both have the Hourglass Cutie Mark.]

Celestia: While all ponies have something to offer Equestria, the Hourglass Cutie Mark symbolizes a very special talent.

[Cut to a stadium where the Wonder Bolts are performing and where other ponies with the cutie mark are watching from the audience.]

Celestia: A talent for “keeping time,” which is a talent for seeing it in a way that nopony else can.

[Cut to a shot of the town of Appleloosa where we see a young pony with the cutie mark as he looks down at his pocket watch.]

Celestia: I’ve searched out these ponies from every corner of Equestria and have entrusted them with the safekeeping of our land.

[Cut to Cloudsdale where two Pegasi ponies with the cutie mark are pushing several rainclouds out into the sky.]

Celestia: Under their watchful eyes, Equestria has been saved from many a disaster.

[Cut at last to Princess Celestia standing in one of the grand halls of Canterlot Palace. She sits at the end of a round stone table that has the hourglass etched into it. Beside her sits a male pony with a well groomed golden mane, matching golden eyes, a dark blue coat, the hourglass cutie mark, and a red bowtie tied around his neck. This pony is Master Harold Stallion.]

Celestia: We would be honored if you would join their ranks, Time Turner.

[She says this to someone standing across from her at the table. Opposite the Princess and Master Stallion stands the very confused looking pony that the Princess is addressing. He is a brown pony with spiky brown hair and the hourglass cutie mark. This is Time Turner.]

Turner: Let me get this straight. You’re saying that you want me to be a secret agent of some sort?
Master: The Time Lords are not secret agents. We are simply covert operatives for the Princess.
Turner: What exactly do you think “Secret Agent” means?

[Time Turner begins slowly backing away from the table.]

Turner: Look, I appreciate the offer, but being good with all things timey-wimey doesn’t exactly qualify me to be a “Time Lord.”

[Doctor at last reaches the door to the next hallway and turns his back to the other two ponies.]

Turner: So, thank you for the offer, but I’m sure that---
Celestia: Time Turner…

[At the sound her voice, Time Turner freezes in place with one hoof on the door with his teeth bared in a grimace. Cut to a close up of him with the Princess behind him in the background.]

Celestia: You of course know your talents better than anypony, but let me assure you that we would not have approached you if we did not think you were capable of this task. More importantly, Time Turner, Equestria needs you.

[Time Turner winces at the remark as if feeling guilty. He then sighs sadly and turns around apologetically.]

Turner: Alright, Princess. You can count on me.

[Princess Celestia smiles gratefully and then bows her head to Time Turner slightly.]

Celestia: Thank you, Time Turner.
Master: Splendid!

[Master Stallion trots up to Turner’s side with his head held high and a smug smile on his face.]

Master: Now we have to assign you your station. Will you be remaining in Cantorlot? This place is plagued by danger and I---um…we could always use another Time Lord.
Doctor: No! (Clears throat) No thank you. I think I’m needed elsewhere.

[The Princess walks up to the two of them with a gentle smile on her face.]

Celestia: Where would that be, Turner?

[Turner backs away again, looking around the room nervously.]

Turner: Where? Um, well, what I mean is---

[Time Turner spots a tapestry hanging from the wall that has map of Equestria on it. He quickly gallops up to it and his eyes dart quickly across it.]

Turner: I think I’ll be needed in…

[He glances from Canterlot, to Cloudsdale, which has thunderclouds drawn all around it. Turner can hear the claps of thunder.]

Doctor: Um…

[He glances up in the mountains where a Dragon is depicted breathing fire. Turner can hear the dragon’s roar.]

Turner: In a place that’s simply fraught with danger!

[He glances over at the Everfree Forest, and at last at Ponyville where there doesn’t seem to be anything, but farms and fields. Turner can hear birds chirping pleasantly.]

 Turner: Ponyville! Ponyville looks like a very peaceful---I mean dangerous place that needs a…uh Time Lord.

[The Princess and Master Stallion glance at each other for a moment before turning their attention back to Turner.]

Celestia: Very well, Time Turner. Lord Stallion, please take him down to laboratory.
Master: Right away, Princess.

[Master Stallion nods and then walks over and opens the door for Time Turner.]

Turner: Laboratory?

[Time Turner and Master Stallion head out the door and continue speaking as they walk down the hallway.]

Master:  For your Mimic Intelligence Navigator Undertaking Exploration Through Time Entryways. Or “MINUETTE” for short.
Turner: Beg pardon, Lord Stallion?
Master: It’s a time machine.

[Master Stallion looks back and forth down the hallway as they walk as if he’s making sure that no one else is around. He then turns to Timer Turner with a devious smile.]

Master: And by the way, since I am the head of the Time Lords, I would prefer it if you’d addressed me as “Master Harold Stallion” or just “Master” if you’d prefer.

[As he says this, Master stallion puts his nose in the air and Time Turner only looks at him quizzically.]

Turner: Yes, of course, Master Stallion.

[As they walk, Time Turner turns to look out the window towards ponyville. He sighs quietly.]

Turner’s Thoughts: Ponyville… It’ll be alright. Nothing ever happens in Ponyville.

[Fade to black. Superimpose on the screen, “One Year Later…” Iris out to reveal a close up of Pinkie Pie standing in the middle of Ponyville square.]

Pinkie: This is the biggest thing to happen in Ponyville…EVER!

[Pan out a bit to see that the excited pink pony is hopping through the streets, attracting the attention of many ponies standing nearby.]

Pinkie: The Summer Sun Celebration is almost here!

[As Pinkie Pie hops around, we find Time Turner walking down the street with a saddle bag full of groceries. Pinkie Pie hops in front of Time Turner, starling him, and begins hopping in place like she was on a pogo stick.]

Pinkie: Don’t be late! It’s the party of the century!
Turner: Beg pardon?

[With that, Pinkie Pie pulls her party cannon in from off screen and fires it into the air. Confetti and balloons fly into the air and Pinkie Pie starts singing (the tune similar to “The Pony Pokey”).]

Pinkie: Oh here comes the summer sun! Oh won’t this be such fun!
The Princess comes to remind us that she is number one!

[Pinkie hops around Time Turner excitedly as she continues.]

Pinkie: So jump up and down, turn around,

[One the last line, Pinkie Pie grabs Turner and spins him like a top. Once he stops his eyes are still spinning he seems to be off balance.]

Pinkie: And join me in my song!

[Pinkie Pie is now staring intently at Time Turner as he shakes off his dizziness and then stares at her in confusion.]

Turner: Uh… There’s only fourteen hours and thirty-three minutes ‘til the Summer Sun Celebration and… and that’s not very long?

[Pinkie Pie smiles with satisfaction and then proceeds to hop down the road, still singing.]

Pinkie: And that’s how Time Turner joins the song!

[Pinke Pie is now out of sight and Time Turner is left staring after her with a grimace of confusion. A cream colored mare with a long red and pink streaked mane walks up to Time Turner with her green eyes fixed on the direction that Pinkie Pie disappeared. This pony with a rose cutie mark is Roseluck.]

Roseluck: Pinkie Pie sure is an excitable pony, isn’t she?
Turner: That she is. I sometimes wonder---

[Time Turner finally turns to see that he was just speaking to Roseluck and his hair stands on end for a second before he turns away sheepishly.]

Turner: R-Roseluck! I um, well---fancy running into you here!

[Roseluck doesn’t seem to notice his apprehension and turns to him with a cheerful smile.]

Roseluck: Oh, I always come to the market this time of day.
Turner: Right… Four o’clock on the dot.

[Roseluck raises her eyebrow at this as if she’s not quite sure she understood Time Turner right. Meanwhile, Time Turner is desperately trying to hide a blush that is spreading over his face.]

Roseluck: What was that?
Turner: Oh, nothing!
Roseluck: Your name’s Timer or something like that, right?
Turner: Yes, well, yes, sort of like that. (Clears throat) Well, it was nice seeing you, Roseluck!

[With that, Time Turner dashes off down the road. Roseluck simply waves after him.]

Roseluck: Nice to see you too, Timer!

[Time Turner comes to a booth that is selling cherries and leaps to hide behind it. He peeks out to see that Roseluck is already disappearing over the next hill, paying him no attention. He then proceeds to slam his head against the stall repeatedly until the cashier shouts out in protest.]

Turner: Oh! Terribly sorry.

[Time Turner walks away under the glare of the pony in the stall and continues on his way through the main square. He hangs his head shamefully.]

Turner: Well done, old boy. Nothing like making a fool of yourself twice in a row.
Rarity off screen: No! What do you think you’re doing!

[Time Turner stops short at the sound of the frantic voice. Just ahead of him is Town Hall where Rarity is running back and forth to interrupt the various members of the Apple family that are carrying trays of food around with them.]

Rarity: Cease! Desist!

[One member of the Apple family gets past her and places a tray of apple fritters on a nearby table. Rarity runs up to her with a panicked look on her face.]

Rarity: No! You can’t set up the banquet yet! I haven’t picked out the proper table cloths!

[Rarity uses her magic to lift the tray of fritters off the table and hands back to the girl that had put it down. On the next line, Rarity gets up in the mare’s face with a desperate look in her eyes.]

Rarity: I beg of you! Just give me a few more minutes to finish setting up the tables! Please!
Applejack off screen: Rarity!

[Time Turner turns to find Applejack walking past him to talk to Rarity.]

Applejack: Now we appreciate all the work you’re putting into the decorating, but you were supposed to be done an hour ago.
Rarity: I know, but I was, as they say “in the zone” and I lost track of time.
Applejack: Well, we Apples were so busy that we worked right through brunch and finished early.
Rarity: I need more time!
Applejack: Well, ya ain’t got any!

[Time Turner walks up and puts himself between the arguing girls.]

Turner: Pardon me, ladies, but covering a table in a table cloth takes nearly seven seconds while setting up a table takes over ten. I suggest that you set the tables as Ms. Rarity covers them. What do you say?

[Applejack and Rarity stare at Time Turner thoughtfully for a moment and then look at each other. They then begin shouting at each other again as if Time Turner wasn’t even there. Turner backs away from the fight quietly with a slight frown and a sigh.]

Turner: The Princess should really send somepony to look over the preparations for these sorts of things.

[Time Turner walks on into Town Hall and looks over all the banners and decorations that are set up for the Summer Sun Celebration. He smiles and walks across the room to a balcony that overlooks Ponyville. As he stares over the late afternoon sky, we fade to later that night when the moon is already high and the sky is a deep shade of purple. Time Turner can still be seen standing in the same place, but the festivities of the Summer Sun Celebration are already going on behind him inside the building. The Mayor’s voice can be heard in the background, giving her big speech.]

(Mayor: Fillies and gentle colts, as Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!)

[A sky-blue pony with long navy and white streaked hair walks out onto the balcony and looks at Time Turner curiously as he stares off into space.]

Blue Pony: Hey, what’re you doing out here all by yourself? You know there’s a party going on in there, right?

[Time Turner only looks at the stranger for a moment before turning his attention back to the night sky.]

Turner: I’m watching the steady progression of time.
Blue Pony: Huh?
Turner: Clocks are round, right? (Points at the moon) Well you could think of all of Equestria as one giant clock with the sun and the moon acting as the hands, keeping time at the whims of the Princess. And while staring at the sun may be daft, I can watch the moon drift across the sky all night long!

[Time Turner leans against the railing of the balcony and stares up at the sky with the moon reflected in his eyes. The blue pony glances aside perplexed.]

Blue Pony: Yeah, cause that’s not “daft” at all.
Turner: Precisely!

[The blue pony rolls her eyes before looking up at the sky for herself. As she does this, we cut to a wide view of the night sky with the moon, in which you can see the image of the mare in the moon.]

(Mayor: In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!)
Blue Pony: Well, if you ask me, those stars are moving a lot faster than that slowpoke moon.

[With that, she turns and walks away. Time Turner looks back at the girl with a raised eyebrow.]

Turner: What? Don’t be ridiculous. The stars move so gradually that you’d never be able to perceive---

[Time Turner stops in mid sentence as he looks back at the sky and realizes that there are in fact four stars moving through the sky towards the moon.]

Turner: Wait…what?

[The stars seemingly disappear behind the moon and the image of the mare in the moon vanishes before Time Turner’s eyes.]

Turner: What?! The mare in the moon! She---she’s---
(Rarity: She’s gone!)

[Panicked gasps and chattering can be heard from inside and Time Turner runs into the building to investigate. Inside, he finds the party goers all staring up at the main terrace where Princess Celestia was supposed to appear. Just below stands the Mayor, looking very nervous herself.]

Mayor: Remain calm, everypony. There must be a reasonable explanation.

[A sparkling blue mist rolls in over the balcony and the ponies gasp in surprise at the sight of it. From the mist emerges Nightmare Moon, who unfolds her wings and stares down at the crowd. Turner takes a step back in shock.]

Nightmare: Oh my beloved subjects, it’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious little sun loving faces.

[Cut to an extreme close up of Time Turner as he stares up at the mare in the moon.]

Turner’s thoughts: Oh no…

[Snap to black.]
[Open to outside of Town Hall, still late at night, as Time Turner runs out of the building in a panic.]

Turner: Help! Somepony help! The Princess has been kidnapped!

[As he runs down the streets, he realizes that there’s no one around to answer him and he stops in his tracks with a deep frown on his face.]

Turner: Oh, who am I kidding?! If the Princess is missing, I’m the only one left to do anything about that mare formerly in the moon! I’ve got to fix this. I’m the only one that can!

[Time Turner raises his head to the sky with a look of determination. But then his ears flop down and he frowns.]

Turner: But what am I supposed to do? I can’t very well ask the Princess for orders now, can I?

[Turner shakes the concern from his face and smiles with realization.]

Turner: I’ll just have to run to Canterlot and inform Master Stallion of what’s happened! He’s the Master of the Time Lords! He’ll know what to do!

[With that, he picks up speed and makes for a road leading out of Ponyville and headed for Canterlot. Fade to a lonely road where Twilight Sparkle can be seen walking while magically holding a book in front of her and Spike trudging sadly behind her.]

Twilight: This is horrible! Spike, don’t do you remember what the book said?
Spike: (Yawn) No…

[Twilight puts the book away in her saddlebag and then looks restlessly at the night sky.]

Twilight: “On the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape and she will bring about nighttime eternal.”
Spike: So?
Twilight: So?! Spike, it’s been nighttime for over twelve hours now! The Princess obviously overlooked my warning and now Equestria is---

[Twilight stops mid-sentence because she’s suddenly rammed into by Time Turner. The two ponies are now on the ground with stars swirling around their heads. Spike runs over and shakes Twilight back and forth.]

Spike: Twilight! Twilight, are you okay?
Twilight: Ow, what hit me?

[The stars circling their heads fade away and Time Turner quickly helps Twilight up again.]

Turner: I’m so sorry, miss.
Twilight: Where are you running in such a hurry?

[Time Turner looks alarmed by her question.]

Turner: Um, I was---Well, I thought I should---There was…um…
Spike: Sheesh, they must call you Stuttering Stammer?
Twilight: Spike!

[Turner takes a deep breath before explaining.]

Turner: My name is Time Turner and I was looking for help. Princess Celestia has disappeared and the mare in the moon has returned. I was just going to get help in Canterlot.
Twilight: I knew it…

[Twilight quickly pulls her book back out of her saddlebag.]

Twilight: Tell me everything you know!
Turner: And who are you?
Twilight: My name is Twilight Sparkle; I’m Princess Celestia’s magic student.

[Time Turner stares at her in astonishment.]

Turner: The Princess’s magic student?
Twilight: Yes.
Turner: Well, that’s good luck! That’s splendid luck!
Twilight: Excuse me?

[Time Turner starts pacing back and forth excitedly.]

Turner: Here I am looking for somepony to help defeat the Princess of the night and I come across the very pony that can do it! The only magic that could defeat the mare in the moon was the Princess’s, but here I have the Princess’s own student in everything she knows about magic! I mean, here you are! Coming into Ponyville just as I’m leaving to find you! Brilliant!

[Twilight stares at him with a raised eyebrow as Spike stands snoring at her side.]

Twilight: I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch any of that.
Turner: (Clears throat) Well, that doesn’t matter! Let me fill you in on what’s happened!

[Pan out to encompass the surrounding trees to reveal the magical blue mist stalking them from the treetops. Turner and Twilight begin walking and talking back towards Ponyville.]

Turner in the distance: The Summer Sun Celebration was just getting underway when the Princess went missing.

[The blue mist ducks away and flies ahead of them. Fade to an establishing shot of the library in Ponyville. Cut to the inside where Twilight puts a blanket over Spike, who fell asleep on a pile of books.]

Turner off-screen: So what exactly are we looking for, Twilight?

[Twilight turns to find Time Turner popping out from amid another pile of books with an open book on his head.]

Twilight: We’re looking for anything at all on the Elements of Harmony.

[Twilight walks over to Turner’s side and magically lifts and leafs through the book that was on his head.]

Turner: The Elements?
Twilight: Yes, they were what Princess Celestia used a thousand years ago to defeat Nightmare Moon the first time she refused to make way for the sun.
Turner: I used to have an old reference guide about the Elements of Harmony. (Aside) I have been meaning to donate those old books to the library.
Twilight: Tell me what else you know about them!
Turner: They represent uh…laughter and kindness and something like that.

[Time Turner jumps out of the pile of books and looks guiltily at them as they fall or slide to the ground behind him. He then turns back to Twilight.]

Turner: I know there were six and that their last known location was the old palace…deep in the (gulp) Everfree Forest.

[Twilight gulps as well, but then frowns with determination.]

Twilight: Very well, then that’s where I’m headed!

[Twilight starts heading towards the door.]

Twilight: Time Turner, please watch over Spike for me while I’m gone.
Turner: You’re not actually going in there, are you? That place is supposed to be dangerous!
Twilight: That may be so, but it’s my responsibility to track down the Elements and save Equestria from eternal night.
Turner: But you can’t go alone!
Twilight: Spike is my assistant not my sidekick and he’s far too tired to come along anyway. He’s just a baby dragon after all!
Turner: I was actually offering to go with you.

[Twilight’s eyes widen and she stares at him, stunned. She then turns away slightly and chuckles nervously.]
Wide-Eyed Twilight by unknown artist (please let me know if this vector is yours) & Twilight - Wow, really?by The-Smiling-Pony

Twilight: To be honest, I think I’d be better off with the sleeping dragon.
Turner: Well, you might be right about that…but I have to do something. Please?

[Twilight gazes at him dubiously for a moment, but then her gaze softens. Fade out to the Everfree Forest where the blue smoke that is Nightmare Moon floats sneakily from one tree to the next. Pan down to see Time Turner and Twilight Sparkle walking along a dirt road. Twilight heads on determinedly while Turner walks at her side, glancing about nervously.]

Turner: This place seems like a breeding ground for all sorts of unsavory things.
Twilight: We just have to keep moving.

[Cut to a close up of Time Turner as he marches forward bravely. A shadow suddenly falls over him and he freezes in his tracks while staring down at it.]

Turner: Um…Twilight---
Twilight off-screen: Waaaaaaaaah!

[Cut to Turner’s point of view as Twilight stands before him with the silhouette of Nightmare Moon looming over her.]

Twilight: It’s Nightmare Moon!

[Turner stares wide eyed at Nightmare Moon, but then squints his eyes, and then laughs.]

Twilight: Turner! What are you doing?! Run!
Turner: That’s not the Mare in the Moon!

[Time Turner walks up to the silhouette until he can clearly see that she’s only a statue.]

Turner: This is the statue of Nightmare Moon used on Nightmare Night.
Twilight: Nightmare Night?
Turner: Yeah, we come here for the annual candy offering.

[Twilight backs away from the statue cautiously as Turner chuckles at it. She glares at him in annoyance, but he doesn’t seem to notice.]

Turner: You really had me there for a moment. I was sure that it was going to leap forward and attack---
Twilight: Time Turner! Behind you!

[Turner whirls around to see that the statue is now lurking directly above him with its hooves on either side of him as if it’s about to grab him.]

Turner: What in the name of Cuckoo Clocks?!

[Turner quickly leaps away from the statue’s grasp to stand beside Twilight. They both stare at it in horror, but it doesn’t move.]

Twilight: It’s not moving. Why isn’t it moving?
Turner: M-maybe it’s pretending to be a solid statue. I mean, it could be---

[As Turner speaks the last line, he and Twilight glace at each other and suddenly the statue’s shadow is right on top of them again. They both scream and stare up at the statue that is now only inches in front of them with its hooves ready to stomp. Twilight Sparkle and Time Turner now stare at it in terror.]

Turner: Okay! Don’t take your eyes off it!
Twilight: But what if I need to blink?!
Turner: No blinking! Absolutely don’t blink!
Twilight: Turner!
Turner: Don’t worry! I…I have a plan!
Twilight: You do?
Turner: Um---yes! Twilight, you back away as quickly as you can without taking your eyes off of it.

[Twilight quickly obeys. Turner turns his back to the statue and begins walking after her.]

Turner: Now, whatever you do, don’t blink.

[Twilight’s eyes begin to narrow with the strain of not blinking. Cut to a wide shot as Twilight and Turner start to gain a little distance from the statue.]

Twilight: Why are you turning your back to it?
Turner: Trust me on this.

[Cut to close up of Twilight as her eyelids begin to waver.]

Twilight: I can’t keep this up much longer!

[Cut to a shot of Turner walking in front of Twilight with the statue a few feet behind him. He glances back at it quickly and then stops and looks at Twilight resolutely.]

Turner: Okay, blink now.
Twilight: What?
Turner: Blink!

[Cut to a close up of Twilight’s straining eyes again. Then cut to her point of view (of Doctor and the statue) just in time for her to blink the camera to black. A second later, she opens her eyes to reveal that Time Turner hasn’t moved, but the statue is now directly behind him. Twilight screams, causing him to turn around and stare up at it as his pupils shrink.]

Turner: Well, you are a quick one. Twilight, I need you to keep your eyes on it for just another minute.

[With that, Time Turner gallops to the edge of the heavy foliage that surrounds the area. He then turns and stares off in the direction that he came from.]

Turner: Alright, Twilight! I’ve got my eye on it! You make a run for it! Get out of sight!
Twilight: What?!
Turner: Don’t argue! Just go!

[Twilight makes a run for it in the opposite direction and is quickly out of sight. Turner narrows his eyes at the statue.]

Turner: Alright ya pansy! I’m the only one staring at you now! What are you going to do about it?!

[With that, he takes off deeper into the forest. Cut to a close up of him as he gallops through the trees.]

Turner’s thoughts: A blink takes 0.33 seconds. It can cover three feet in that time. A leap of three feet in 0.33 seconds equals nine feet in 1 second.

[Time Turner comes to a screeching halt and turns back around to face his pursuer. The statue is frozen in mid run only a few feet away.]

Turner: Ha, I am faster than you are. But I’m also done running now that Twilight is safe.

[The moon peaks out from behind the clouds, casting the statue’s long shadow over Turner.]

Turner: Come and get me if you can!
[With that, Time Turner closes his eyes. The shadow over him gets bigger and bigger and then Turner opens his eyes and steps aside. The statue goes whizzing by him and tumbles over the cliff that was hidden in the brush behind Turner. Turner gazes over the cliff and winces as a loud crashing noise is heard. Cut to a shot of the bottom of the cliff where the statue lies in pieces and a blue fog drifts away from it. Cut back to Time Turner as he steps away from the cliff and sighs with relief.]

Twilight off-screen: Time Turner!

[Turner turns around to see Twilight running to his side.]

Twilight: How…how did you know that would work?
Turner: Simple timing, Miss Sparkle. I timed just how long I would have to keep my eyes shut before that monster would go tumbling off the cliff.
Twilight: Wow, “Time” really is your special talent.

[Turner looks at her dubiously and then begins to walk away.]

Turner: Well, let’s not waste any time getting to that castle.

[Cut to the old castle deep in the Everfree Forest. Twilight Sparkle and Time Turner walk up to chasm with a single rickety bridge separating them from the building. They begin to walk across it cautiously as it wobbles beneath their feet.]

Twilight: Once we find the elements of harmony, how are they going to help us defeat Nightmare Moon?
Turner: You tell me. You’re the magic expert.
Twilight: But…

[Twilight hangs her head with a thoughtful frown and Turner looks back at her, stopping in the middle of the bridge.]

Turner: Whatever’s the matter, Twilight?
Twilight: It’s just that… I’m not sure what’ll happen if I manage to find the elements. What if I can’t use them to stop Nightmare Moon on my own?

[Time Turner shakes his head and continues his way across the bridge, Twilight following after him.]

Turner: You’ll be able to do it.
Twilight: How can you be so sure?
Turner: Because I can tell why the Princess chose you. You have all the marks of a take-charge hero. (Aside) Though one might question her tastes in other such heroes.
Twilight: Do you actually know Princess Celestia?

[Time Turner’s eyes widen and he scrunches his mouth shut, trotting across the bridge at a slightly quicker pace and finally reaching the other side.]

Turner: Um…me? Know the Princess? Heh, now why would somepony like me know the ruler of Equestria?
Nightmare off screen: Because you're a Lord of Time.

[As Twilight makes it onto solid ground as well, a blue sparkling mist drifts around them and then forms into Nightmare Moon, who stands between them and the castle.]

Nightmare: You’re not much like you predecessor, Time Turner. The Great Star Swirl the Bearded was a far more impressive specimen and he wouldn’t be hiding behind a helpless little unicorn.

[Time Turner frowns shamefully as he looks up at Nightmare Moon. Twilight Sparkle looks back and forth between them confused.]

Twilight: Lord of Time? What are you talking about?
Nightmare: And young Twilight Sparkle…possibly the only thing standing between me and my rule as the Princess of Eternal Night.

[Time Turner steps between Twilight and Nightmare defensively.]

Turner: Nightmare Moon, please, Equestria can’t survive without the sun. It’ll become as barren and desolate as the place where you were imprisoned for a thousand years! Please, stop this! You can’t condemn all of your subjects to the same fate that you suffered!
Nightmare: My subjects?!  They were never my subjects!
Turner: If anypony stands in your way, it’s me! Predecessor of Star Whirl the Mustached, right? The oncoming sunny day! The only Time Lord standing in your way!
Twilight: (Whispers) Time Turner! What are you doing?!
Turner: (Whispers) Get ready to run.
Twilight: (Whispers) What?!

[Time Turner stomps up to Nightmare Moon resolutely.]

Turner: I’m the one you want, Mare in the Moon! The last pony in Equestria with a chance of stopping you.

[Time Turner bows down before Nightmare sadly.]

Turner: And I surrender.

[Nightmare and Twilight are both taken aback.]

Nightmare: You’re joking. You’re joking, right?
Turner: No joke. I’m the last thing standing in your way and I give up.

[He stands up straight and put his front hooves up in front of Nightmare.]

Turner: Banish me to the moon! Send me where it is that you sent the Princess!  Well, come on now! Do it!

[Nightmare glares down at Time Turner and then her eyes begin to glow.]
[Time Turner is lifted into the air by the sparkling blue light of the mare’s magic.]

Nightmare: Well, thank you for showing your hand, Time Lord.

[Nightmare smiles and then magically throws Turner back towards the chasm. He’s able to catch himself on the edge of the cliff, but struggles to keep himself up.]
[Nightmare Moon turns her back to him and then lightning shoots from above, hitting all the bushes and trees between her and the castle. The leaves on said plants wither and fall to the ground, revealing that Twilight was sneaking off towards the castle.]
[Twilight gasps and backs away from the Nightmare cautiously.]

Nightmare: You must really believe in this pony to sacrifice yourself for her.
Turner: Nightmare! Wait!

[Turner attempts to pull himself up, but ends up slipping even further back.]

Nightmare: With her gone, there will be no pony left to stop me.

[Nightmare Moon transforms into a shimmering blue cloud again and begins to swirl around like a tornado, sending the dead blackened leaves swirling all around them.]
[Twilight Sparkle struggles to keep her footing, but the force of the twister is pulling her slowly off the ground.]

Twilight: Time Turner!

[Time Turner finally manages to pull himself up and he immediately charges for forward through the swirling wind and leaves.]
[Twilight is finally pulled off the ground and sent flying towards the blue vortex. Time Turner leaps towards the vortex as well, but it and Twilight both disappear in a flash of light just before he can reach it.]
[Time Turner falls to the ground, alone in the silence of the Everfree Forest.]

Turner: No, no, no! Twilight!

[Time Turner glances around frantically and then runs towards the old ruins of the castle. He makes it into the main entrance of the castle where the elements of harmony sit as still as stone on display.]
[He bucks the display and the stone elements tumble to the ground before him.]

Turner: Come on, Elements! I need you to spark for Miss Sparkle!

[There is no response, even as Time Tuner walks up to examine each and every one of them.]

Turner: Please do something! How can you just stand there uselessly when the fate of Equestria is in your whooves?!

[Turner stares expectantly at the element in front of him, but then hangs his head in defeat and lies down on the ground in defeat.]

Turner: I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. You and the Princess were counting on me.

[Time Turner sits up and looks out the window at the night sky.]

Turner: This is entirely my fault… I know Twilight could have stopped Nightmare if she had had decent help.

[Turner gets up and slowly heads out of the castle again with his head hung low.]

Turner: I guess it’s too late for that now.

[With that, Time Turner suddenly lifts his head in realization and then smiles.]

Turner: Late? Late?! Oh brilliant! It’s not, too late! It’s never too late for a Time Lord!

[Turner goes galloping at full speed down the road that he and Twilight had traveled.]

Turner: Not when I have a Time Machine waiting for me!

[Fade to a small house in Ponyville that looks perfectly normal except for the blue telephone booth sitting beside its front door. Turner comes rushing into view and makes straight for it.]

Turner: Hello there, MINUETTE! Are you ready for our first trip through time and space?

[Turner doesn’t receive any answer, but after staring up at the MINUETTE for a moment, he gulps nervously.]

Turner: Me neither. But there’s no time like the present!

[Time Turner steps into the Time Machine...]

Turner: Get ready for The Elements of Harmony, Part 2!

[…and closes the door behind him. The time machine slowly fades from sight while making a strange whooshing sound.]

To be continued...

My Little Pony (C) Hasbro
Doctor Who elements (C) BBC
Story (C)  SuperheroGeek13
And a special thanks to the fandom that came up with Doctor Whooves

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